Friday, August 12, 2011


The World Wide Web (www) has indeed cast its net globally into every nook and corner known to mankind in an unimaginable way. Even a decade ago, the vast majority of us would not have had the faintest inkling that the web (also called net interchangeably) could invade into our lives to such extend. The net has revolutionized communication platforms worldwide and has breached conventional thought processes that has brought about gigantic paradigm shifts in almost all sectors affecting humans.

The net has indeed taken its own life and is often spoken or referred to as the third entity knowing it all. Ironically, people quote the net at every conversation and it is deemed as though it is coming from an authority! How amazing indeed. Though undeniably a tool of use and beneficial in most circumstances, nevertheless it has over time evolved into being overly used and to an extend abused by many around the world. Those gullible will behold all information on the net as always having a degree of truthfulness no matter what the issue in hand. The net has taken a critical role and command in the chain of information flow in our lives; so much so that a large number of users have conveniently neglected the pertinent issues such as responsible and ethical writing, morality, privacy, legality, and social decorum.

On the social front, due to its vast accessibility, mobility and ease of use via numerous "smart" gadgets, the net has conveniently; to a certain degree, evolved into a must-have tool in our everyday lives. Never before in our human lifetime have we experienced such engulfment of technology. It has superseded all forms of conventional communication tools that indeed played a vital role in keeping human values in tact directly or otherwise.

Nevertheless, with transition of time, this very technology has also made pockets of the human race vulnerable and lame to a certain extend. Irresponsible parties have taken advantage of this very tool for their opportunistic objectives and selfish acts resulting in mayhem and disorder in many aspects of our lives. The net has given them a platform with no barriers to; call for riots, illegal trade, pornography, gambling,exhibit unsubstantiated articles and advocate junk journalism. And the latest of all, it has provided an avenue for hacking into private spaces of humans via the very mobile phone that we carry on us. Unscrupulous individuals and groups have manipulated this technology to spread lies, overthrow governments and germinate seeds of hatred across the globe without much thought of repercussions on their actions. This is very evident as we witness the many turmoils some countries are undergoing due to the power of persuasion via the net.

Connectivity via the web has made dearth of information available on the move but unfortunately many do not question the credibility and its essence. It is no surprise if many governments of the day move towards limiting and even barring segments of the Internet to keep check on issues especially pertaining to sovereignty and defense. We should not be quick in judging and concluding that such proactive moves are against human rights and freedom of speech or practice. Countries,even like Britain, that have been too liberal have seen the consequences of letting all loose with no boundaries. The citizens of the world must awaken from their virtual world and embrace the fact that with the current speed and trend, if we are not attentive, we will be at the verge of destroying our own existence! It is time the world leaders accept the concept of global citizenship and champion the cause for all beyond the shores of their own nation with a concerted effort.

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