I am compelled to write this piece in view of the recent daily reports in the media on the numerous issues that have been deemed as illegal. It is rather flabbergasting that there seem to be many unresolved issues plaguing the nation that has accumulated over time and; suspiciously looking neglected by various concerned government agencies.
For a start lets ponder on the issue of illegal immigrants. It is reported that there is close to 2 million illegals residing in Malaysia! How on earth did this number of illegals balloon to such proportions in the first place? I am very certain that they are not all in hiding as the number are just too alarming to be residing in disguise in the far interiors of our Malaysian jungles. The majority are freely mingling amongst us with little or no fear of repercussions from the authorities. This phenomenon is further aggravated for the fact that almost on an annual basis our government provides amnesty privilege and are let off with a slap on the wrist. We have definitely sent the wrong signal to them indicating that it is okay to be here illegally as you will be pardoned anyway. Indirectly the public opines that there must be an element of corruption that has turned a blind eye to the escalation in illegals. The immigration department must be taken to task.
On the other hand the issue of illegal pre-school centers that have been mushrooming all around the nation. Unlicensed premises are operating in residential and commercial vicinities right under the noses of the local councils. The local council enforcement divisions are quick to compound any business owners that do not renew their licenses but have conveniently ignored illegal pre-school centers. Hundreds if not in thousands have been found to be operating illegally and only recently highlighted as some centers have been negligent in care. Why do we need to wait for a mishap to happen and only then action is taken? And most astonishing to all is the fact that the various government agencies are "encouraging" these illegal centers to register. Again the authorities have sent a wrong message. The owners of such illegal premises must face the music and not just coaxed into legalising an unregistered premise. Above that the agencies that have allowed for pre-schools to operate illegally must be brought to task without fear or favor.
The other fiasco is on the issue of "illegal" commercial vehicles running on our roads that have not met the standards or have failed the respective inspections by Puspakom. More annoying is the fact that some have not even gone for inspections. The million dollar question is, how did they get the renewals done at the Road Transport Department? My personal experience says that one will not be able to obtain a road tax if his vehicle fails the Puspakom inspection. Do we not smell a rat now? Uncertified and under par commercial vehicles must be pounded immediately by the authorities until satisfactory corrective actions are taken by the owners. Lets not risk the lives of innocent people. There should not be any leniency on road safety.
What I have highlighted are some examples for all of us to dwell on. As tax payers and voters, we are deeply concerned on the rise of illegal activities surrounding us. As a nation moving towards being fully developed, we need to nip these issues in the bud before it deteriorates further. In a nutshell, the common factor that comes to our mind looking at the mentioned scenarios is the issue of corruption which is deep rooted in the system. We have lost most probably billions of ringgit in revenue in the form lost taxes, license fees and levy due to lackadaisical and incompetencies of our own making.
It is ironical that one is slapped with a summons for wrongful parking but illegal activities run rife and further forgiven when caught. We have to stop the rot immediately and there must be zero tolerance to any illegal action. Department heads must be made responsible and punitive actions must be taken and seen by the public.
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